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Incentives to share – stay connected

There has been many observations and discussions about: How do we get people to share?

This short presentation “Staying connected ….” claims that when people are connected and do their work in the collaborative space, then sharing/collaboration is inherent in their work – there’s no need to reward, push or pull to collaborate – it’s what they do all the time. It is because most of us are in the partly connected Enterprise 1.0 or semi-Enterprise 2.0 environment that sharing needs coaching, rewarding, pushing – because it’s a side activity and not part of the real work we do.

3 scenarios for staying connected (.. to share and collaborate ..)

  1. Most knowledge work is done in Oulook and MSO  (Enterprise 1.0)
  2. As in 1, but (if time / motivation) do some sharing in (micro)Blogs and comments  (Enterpise 1.5)
  3. Living in the collaborative space in a totally connected environment  (Enterprise 2.0)

What do you think?

May I also reference Enterprise 2.0 advisor Jordan Frank’s blog: Need for Incentives, and other Innovation Myths , which also points to Enterprise 2.0 practitioner Brian Tullis blog Whats the Vis. mentioning the fact that making your work observable, visible is in itself a main intrinsic motivator (for sharing). You know you are doing valuable work / contribution and it is visible so everybody else knows as well, including the ones you report to, dimishing the need for seperate status reports/meetings.

See also:    McKinsey Report: “The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday

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